The following articles are all the first of their kinds and include authentic, accurate information. Whenever photos were used in these articles (and IF the author had control of that part of the publishing process- and he sometimes did not), these photos were all authentic and depicted accurate bicycles. If there were errors in the photos or bicycles, we have attempted to point this out in the listings.
This list has been assembled for those who have an earnest desire to know the facts and do serious research on the hobby and the collectible bicycles it involves. Keep in mind that in the early-to-mid-1970s there was no hobby nor organization, nor publication (the first, Classic Bicycle & Whizzer News began in 1977), no swap meets...NOTHING devoted to American bicycles of the 1920-1965 period. Although at this time, people were collecting antique bicycles (pre-1920s), even these persons and groups did not recognize, nor define Classic Bicycles.
The following listing is far from all inclusive, since the author has written hundreds of other articles in other venues. However these are all (with exception of the video) news stand magazines or large trade magazines. Most of the publications are no longer available, however, check with library sources. If you can't find them, don't despair. We will be posting most of these articles soon on this site in the NBHAA HISTORICAL ARTICLES section. Watch for them and stay tuned!
In the meantime, please read and enjoy the kind of pioneering information we have been providing to the hobby for over 30 years... and the kind of information that is much imitated AFTER we publish it. BUT you won't find anywhere else prior to the time it came from us!
Since we started writing about and publishing the history of CLASSIC BICYCLES in the 1970s, there have been several people who have come forward with every manner of argument- 20-30 years AFTER we did our hard work.
There were people in the mid 80s who decided THEY wanted to take credit for our hard work. Still others came forward with absurd arguments like "Hey, you didn't INVENT the word, "CLASSIC." And no- we didn't invent the word, but we DID coin the term as it applies to vintage American bicycles... and we DID publish a copyrighted DEFINITION of what the terminology meant- and we did it in the 1970s. LONG BEFORE most of you even knew what these bicycles were. So the people who were our detractors and arguers 20-30 years later... where were they and what were THEY doing in the 1970s? NOTHING. We have big publishing companies who had ripped off our concept without so much as a mention of us. THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OF OUR IDEAS, yet they don't even have the courtesy to say, "Hey, thank you for creating a new market for us... here's a book!" Nah. And people in the hobby continue to ignore or minimize our contribution–even as they continue to imitate us. Give credit where credit is DUE... and tell the truth. We did it first... we published it first... and we did our best to start a new hobby that thousands of you out there today apparently are enjoying.
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